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Sorafenib Tablets IP
Nephorology Medicine
Bortezomib Injection IP
Allopathic Injection
Antiviral Medicine
Antifungal Medicine
Trastuzumab Injection
Rituximab Injection
Defasirox Tablet
Pemetero 500 Injection
Anti cancer Medicines
Kidney Medicines
Hepatitis C / Antiviral Drugs
Antifungal Drugs
Anticancer & Chemotherapy Injection
Oral Anticancer Drugs
Sofosbuvir and Velpatasvir tablet
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Sorafenib Tablets IP
Nephorology Medicine
Bicalutamide Tablets
Cresp40 Mcg Pfs Injection
Bortezomib Injection IP
Allopathic Injection
Antiviral Medicine
Antifungal Medicine
200 MG Voriconazole Tablets IP
Voriconazole vorier injection
Voriconazole voricort
Candipoz Gr 100 Mg
Vorier 200 Mg
Trastuzumab Injection
Rituximab Injection
Defasirox Tablet
Pemetero 500 Injection
Anti cancer Medicines
Zyceva 150mg Tablet
Geffy 250 Mg Tablet
Fulviglen 250mg Injection
Dasanat Dasatinib Tablet
Ontinib 400mg Tablet
Kixta 100 mg
Kixta 125 Mg
Lenva 10 Mg
Rompag 50 Mg
Enzandro 160 Mg
Tofajak Tofacitinib Tablets 5mg
Xvir 0.5 Mg
Kidney Medicines
Hepatitis C / Antiviral Drugs
Abiratrad IP 500 MG
Abiraterone Abiratas 500mg
250 MG Abiraterone Acetate Tablets
Resof Total 400mg And 100mg
Entavir 0.5mg Tablets
Abiraterone Acetate Tablets Xbira of cipla
Resof 400 Mg
Sofosbuvir Velpatasvir
Samtica 250mg Tablet
Abritiga 250mg
Daclahep Tablets 60 Mg
Antifungal Drugs
Anticancer & Chemotherapy Injection
Recombinant Human Erythro poietin Injection 4000 IU
Trastuzumab For Injection
4 MG Zoledronic Acid Injection IP
Kemocarb 450 MG Carboplatin Injection IP
Recombinant Human Erythro-poietin Injection 4000 IU
Pamorelin La 11.25mg Injection
Duplat 11.25 Mg
Zyrop 4000 Injection
Pegfilgrastim Injection
Duplat 22.5 Mg
Zoladex 10.8mg Injection
Bortecad 2 Mg Injection
Oral Anticancer Drugs
Abiratred 500mg Tablet
Pomalid Pomalidomide 2 Mg Capsules
Armotraz Tablets
Geftiget 250 Mg
Honvan 120 Mg
Shilcap 500 MG Capecitabine Tablets IP
Capsy 500 MG Capecitabine Tablets IP
Geffon 250 MG Gefitinib Tablets IP
Geftinib 250mg
Anastrazole Femistra of zydus
Capetero capecitabine of Hetero 500mg
Anastrazole Anatero of Hetero
Borteshil 2mg Injection
Proteoz 2mg Injection
Bortenet Bortezomib injection
Bortesam 2 mg
Proteoz 2.5mg Injection
2 Mg Bortezest Injection
Sofosbuvir and Velpatasvir tablet
Velpaclear 400 Mg100mg Tablets
Sovihep V Tab
Resof Total 400mg-100mg
Velpanat Sofosbuvir 400 Mg Velpatasvir 100mg
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